Tuesday, January 25, 2011

[talent show]

PARALLAX made it to the second round of the talent show. I can't say I'm surprised, but I'm happy about it. I really think we have a shot at winning based on everyone's reactions. But I can't help but wonder how much attention winning would get us, and whether or not Alex would want to go along with it because of Swim The Mind. The last thing I want to do is steal him from them, but replacing Alex would be impossible. But could you believe if we got signed after this?? Probably WAYYYY overlooking things, but I can't help but think about it. I want it to happen so bad. Nothing would ever beat that. Leaving home at 16 with a record deal? There's nothing better. Not for me. I'm sure Alex would agree too. Even if we got a sponsor, that would be amazing. I feel kinda bad because school has been slipping, but I'm feeling incredibly confident about Parallax. No matter what happens, Alex and I are going to keep going with this, even if Ashley and Amanda bale.

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