Friday, January 14, 2011

[Marcus Alexander Giosa]

It's Alex. Everywhere I turn, he's there. He's the center of all my thoughts. He's what I day dream about. I fear I'm in denial, that I'm not really emotionally independent. I feel like maybe I've just latched onto the idea of him. I know it's bad and wrong and whatever, but I don't know what to do about it. I don't even know if I WANT to do anything about it. Alex makes me happy. He's a great friend, even if there is something else there. I just want this day to be over. I want to go to guitar center with Alex. Amanda's coming, unfortunately, but we also need the practice before hand. Amanda tends to ruin Alex time. I like one-on-one time with Alex. It just works so well Amanda is so high maintenance. Sometimes I wish I could just kick her out of the band. I wonder how well things would work if it was just me and Alex. Me singing and playing guitar, Alex on drums. Just a thought, but it's one that makes you wonder, you know?

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