Sunday, April 25, 2010


this is crazy. i had a bon fire last night at which i invited brad, ryan, zack, alex amanda and chris. chris couldnt come, and amanda left early, so for most if it, it was just me and the 4 guys, which was great. brad randomly gave me a piggyback ride to the house cause he wanted something to drink. ryan zack and brad went home together, so we only had to drop alex off at his house. on the way home from doing so, my mom said that her and kelsey agree, i should date brad. brad considers me his sister i think that would be impossible. plus i dont even like him. i told ryan, he started laughing and did the whole "hahaha ok..." think. i know he was thinking something, but he claims he wasnt. but the insane part of the whole thing, IM ACTUALLY THINKING ABOUT IT NOW!!! its not like i have feelings for the guy, i mean i love him to death, hes like my brother, but other than that, theres nothing. so why am i thinking about it? cause maybe he likes me, idk, i know he did in the past, but i really have no clue. im gonna go start the day now. its gonna suck tho, cause my feet killed all day yesterday and now its raining. great end to a vacation...

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