Thursday, June 2, 2011

[My Nightmare Becoming A Reality]

I'm spending the night at Mom's new house for the first time, and in all honesty, I'm scared. Just me, Mom and the dogs. This night will make it real. If you ask me how I am right now, I'll say fine. But I'm not. Everything is about to change. Erin's trying to deny it, but I can't. The only thing that helps is having Alex by my side, every step of the way, understanding every part of how I feel. There's no telling how I'll sleep tonight, in this new part of my life, in a new house, in a new bed. My new bed. Who knows how I'll feel tomorrow. Now I'm about to cry. I can't. I need to save it for after Mom goes to bed. I can't cry about what makes her happy, and after four years of her being depressed, I can't ruin that.

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