Thursday, August 22, 2013

Goal #1 Reflection

So I said that I would try go to the entire day without looking at Ryan's facebook or instagram or anything, because I do it a lot since I'm so out of the loop with his life cause he dumped me and has disappeared, and it's really not healthy. I can't delete him or block him though, I'm not ready yet. So I made this goal. And I did it. I woke up this morning and did whatever I needed to do, I went out with friends and didn't get home till after 10:30 tonight without looking at his posts once. I caved once I got home, but then I sat down and wrote the second verse to my new breakup song, so I hardly count that as a fail, especially since the day was over. I'm proud of myself. I wasn't sure I would be able to do it, but I challenged my self control and I won.

Amy - 1
Ryan - 0

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