Tuesday, May 24, 2011

[Earth is calling]

I can't stop thinking about Alex. Once again, I'm in French, and I can't focus, not to mention, I'm more tired then I have been. I'm either taking a nap today after school, or going to bed early. I need to pull my act together. I need to hand in all my missing work. I need to write my history paper, essays and study questions for two books in Sheer's class, turn in my math project, I just need to start doing work again all together. I need to get exercise too. I want to know what the plan for this weekend is too. Am I going to Alex's house at some point? Am I going to the studio both nights? I know we're getting soup on sunday. Maybe we can go to mom's house sunday after soup. Who knows. I'll have to ask. All I know is I'm dying for soup and I want to see Alex bad.

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