Saturday, March 13, 2010


i went over to ryans house around 4, so it was me, ryan, zack and brad till 9. it was so much fun, even though i was just sitting around watching them play videogames the entire time. on the way there, we were talking in the car, me and ryan are going to college together at university of hartford, and im going on spring break with them all as the designated driver cause im the one who wont be drinking. i love how we make these plans. i wonder if we will actually follow through. i know me and ryan are gonna try. he really is my best friend, and im his, which makes me really happy. not sure anyone has ever considered me their best friend. anyway, later at ryans, we were talking about my surgery. i said i have to be in bed for 2 weeks after and brad was like "damn, im coming over every day then to see you." ryan agreed. then i told them that would be great, but before that, i have to be in the hospital for a few days and im gonna go insane. again, they both said they would come. ryan says hes gonna bring me pasta from home cause its my favorite. i really love these guys. i know my old friends never actually cared. but these guys really do care. especially ryan. i never thought i would find friends this good in my school, and at first i thought i was lowering my expectations. but in reality, i was judging. i admit that. i was judging people i didnt know. and now that ive gotten to know them, i dont know what i would do without them. i took one look at them and wrote them off, but took a chance anyway and found what i didnt know i could. sure, they have their flaws, like pot, and alcohol, and they're not the best students, but when it comes right down to it, that stuff isnt the most important. these guys are there for me, and i know they care. we click, its so easy for us. and i still cant explain what it is between me and ryan, it just is.

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