Sunday, July 18, 2010


ive been talking to ryan since i got home from work. and its like old times again. for real. its been great. we've had fun, or atleast i hope he has. i got a smiley from him, and i made him laugh, both are really good signs. then he brought up the idea of having a fire at his house and camping out in the back yard. i thought he meant just because his dad will let him. turns out, he wants to do it for me. he feels bad he couldnt spend the night in june, and he wants to make it up to me. and because we still havent done the kill bill thing. and because he wants to do something for me before my surgery. either he cares so much because he still likes me, or because he just cares that much. but either way, i like the way things are right now. hes asking if he can help with my problems. i dont know whats come over him, but im not gonna question it. we're in a good place, and i wanna keep things there. i feel bad for thinking the way i did about him earlier this summer. he really can sympathize. we're doing really well and im really happy.

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