Wednesday, September 8, 2010

[junior year]

so far, the year is off to a great start. i got a 98/100 on my first physics lab. ap english isnt totally horrible. im understanding pre-calc. brads in my history class. ive been reconnected with ashley. my foot is nearly healed i think. im nearly over ryan, and im hooked on nik. im getting my hair cut after my second surgery in the spring. so much is gonna change this year, its crazy. mentally, im gonna grow up a bit. physically, my feet will be fixed, im gonna try to change my image a bit, and work on my figure, cause im still not happy with myself. thats not to say i think im fat, or ugly, but i do have some more weight to lose, and i do want some more muscle on me. ill have to rebuilt my lets after both surgeries, but ill manage.
i want this year to be the best academically, socially, and musically, if its possible for me to balance everything. but so far, i think im doing pretty well. im properly prioritized for the time being, altho im still procrastinating. ive already done 5 hours of homework in one night, and it hasnt even been 2 full weeks of school yet. i just have a really positive feeling about this year. the only thing that could possibly bring me down right now is finding out i can go to regionals and all states, because right now thats a possibility. however, cys starts this sunday, and victoria will be there, woohoo! brads having a bonfire saturday night and ashleys sleeping over after, and im going shopping for new cloths friday night.
how long can i go without screwing things up?

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