Wednesday, January 26, 2011


brad just called me. out of the blue. naturally, i got worried, like something, but he just asked me how much tickets are for the talent show friday, and to tell me that he's giving me the shirt money tomorrow. i started to relax after that, thinking he just didnt want to text. then he dropped the bomb. he might be moving. shot through the heart. he cant move. he just cant. he's my brother, ive known him for over 10 years, he cant move. i wont let him. he told me not to tell anyone, he'll tell them if the time actually comes. i guess that means im the only one or the first one he told, which makes me feel great, maybe i know something that ashley doesnt know, or maybe he just told me because he knows i dont like how he never talks to me. who knows. but im not saying a word to anyone. i just told him that id clean out a room in the barn for him. i cant believe this. he cant move. he just cant. i cant imagine not having him around anymore.

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