Thursday, June 17, 2010


i dont want to try anymore ryan. i wont want to have to always be the one to text first, and to keep conversations alive. i dont want to feel like i need you. i dont know what you want me to say. i texted you hours ago, and you never texted back. maybe what i said earlier got you mad, but i dont understand why. there are so many things i wish i could say to you, i really wish you cared, but it seems like you dont sometimes. i know you do, otherwise, you wouldnt get mad when i called myself a sorry pathetic loser. talking to you gets so hard sometimes, so much so that it hurts, because im still trying to get over you. ive come along way in the past week, but im not completely over you yet. it worries me when we have these hours that we dont talk for some reason that im unaware of, because i care so much, and you're one of the few people i care about at this point. yes, we have our problems, and you make me feel so stupid sometimes, but i always miss you when we dont talk. i need to be less attached. im not texting you for a while. not again today, not tomorrow, if you want to talk, then you can contact me, because im tired of chasing you. if you're so worried about bothering me, then i guess we wont talk. but if you really care, if talking to me as much as we do really means something to you, then maybe you'll get the message. i stopped texting yesterday, and im done for today. when i dont text tomorrow, what will you do? how long will it take you? or are you gonna be stupid and think im busy or i need space or time? who knows. do i care? a hell of alot, probably more than i should, but you obviously cant see that now can you? im done.

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