Wednesday, May 19, 2010


i have an F+ in chem. yes, an F+. i know that sounds stupid, why not just have an F, but no, my screwed up school as F+, F and F-. but anyway, i also have a C+ in math again, which isnt a huge problem, my parents just arent happy about it. my progress report also said i had a D+ in english. LIES!! i have a fucking B- in english! lets just say i was in deep shit. till i cried for like, 2 hours over it, i dont even know why. i think im pmsing, but it helped. they're not yelling at me anymore, but im still on thin ice. don took my phone away because he thinks it was a distraction. how could it just now be a distraction when ive been txting non stop on it since last semester? i dont get it, but i told him if anything was a distraction, it was the computer and the tv, so now im debating trading my phone for my computer so i can still talk to ryan and not go insade, because yes, that problem is still ripping my head to shreds. the only problem with giving up my computer is the email situation. i hate the whole thing, but theres nothing i can do about it till i get my grades up, and even then, don may still take my phone because he doesnt like how much i text, so really, its a lose lose situation. if only i had payed more attention and intercepted the progress report before anyone got to see it like amanda did. nothing i can do about it now tho other than fix it. i hate my life.

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