Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I'm Ready

I am so ready for something to ACTUALLY work out with a guy. Zach fizzled out, Erick just wanted a hookup, I'm not really just looking for fun anymore. I'm still not really looking for anything, but an actual relationship would be nice. Can a meet a guy over the summer and have things work? Is that a thing that can happen? Cause that would be great. I am ready for a relationship. Not for anything serious quite yet, but something low key that can develop into something more. Why can I not just find a nice guy? Is that really so hard? No, probably not, it's probably just not possible in the places I've been looking. I just want to get out of school, get my bar tending license, and spend my summer life guarding and pouring drinks. It really all sounds so great and I'm so ready. I'll be honest and say I'm a little nervous for bar tending, but it'll be fun. I'll make sure of it. And it will be great money and great experience. Not to mention a fantastic way to meet people. I really just want to get out and do SOMETHING. I really haven't done much this semester. Granted, I met a lot of people, and had a lot of parties, and went to a few, but I didn't actually do anything, and that needs to change. I want to do stuff. I need to find activities. That's why I'm excited to get back to work. School, hurry up and end. Nice guys, man up and show yourselves.

Monday, April 14, 2014


I've been pretty ADD with guys since the breakup over four months ago. I look for potential in pretty much every guy I see. This past weekend was Spring Fling, so of course I was on the prowl for anything with potential, even though I felt as though I'm not ready to date. It was getting late Saturday night and I was starting to give up hope for anything. I wasn't really upset or anything, I just decided to let it go, not worry about it and focus more on having fun on the final night of Spring Fling. So I'm wandering around the Village with a group of guys, some I know, some I had just met, and we find some of their friends other places, and I find people I know, and all the sudden, there's a guy in our group, eyeing me. This guy happened to be someone I had been eyeing since the begining of freshman year. He lived in my best friend's dorm building last year, and we're both in the engineering school so I see him everywhere but we'd never actually met, and I didn't even know his name. But suddenly he's in my circle in Quad 5, eyeing me. I found myself ending my Spring Fling on my couch with this beautiful man who is everything I need and want in a guy, and I'm still wondering how this is possible. He is so different from Ryan in every way. He talks. He's an open book. He's upfront and honest. He's confident, and willing to make the first move without hesitation. He is so sweet, I can't even believe it. And he is unbelievably smooth. He's six foot four, and is more built than Nick. He has blonde hair and blue eyes and an amazing smile. We have so much in common and he understands everything that comes out of my mouth. I can't get over how I've had my eye on this guy for nearly two years, and now he has his eye on me. More than that. He's got me right where he wants me. And I am more than OK with that. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do when Zach finds out, but he had his chance and took it nowhere. So I can't really feel bad. I really like Erick and that's what matters to me now.